Tuesday, September 28, 2010

40th Anniversary Sunday

What a great day! We had the helicopter candy drop as our bus activity on Sunday. Enjoy the video!

Again, the video will take a bit to load. Sorry.

Launch in external player

The 40th anniversary was also old fashioned Sunday so many of us dressed up. We had a great time.

Old fashioned coolness

The new pulpit they gave to Preacher.

The 40th anniversary ice sculpture.
Doing what they do best. :)
Jimmy! He's going to kill me for posting this I think.
Why do I think "Green Acres" when I look at this pic?
My buddy David Martin as a cool pilgrim.

Jacob looks like one of the Wright brothers.

I'm sitting here trying to think of things to type and nothing is coming to me. I'm sure that was evident by the very short sentences. How boring of me.

So this blog post has taken forever to get up. I started it around 2:30 and here it is 6:50. First the pictures wouldn't upload, then the router went down. Thankfully I can save my blog posts as drafts or else I woulda been here a while.

Today was a pretty busy day. We had a vocab quiz in Germany... I mean, in English (some of you should understand that little inside joke) Then I had my first test of my college career (Wow, that sounds so professional... "my college career") in Gospel of John class. It went... ok? I blanked on a lot of things, but remembered some things so that's good. Tomorrow we have the last cross country race. I crossed my name off the list for to show that I wasn't going to run because I thought it was a longer race than the previous races. Come to find out it's the same distance. I would have not crossed my name off the list had I known that. Oh well, I'll have to get my work outs for PE in some other time.

Dr. Voegtlin, Joel, and I went through a bunch of old computer stuff last night and now I have a bunch of things to sell on Ebay for Fairhaven. I've also had some people approach me about selling things on Ebay for them, so that is a blessing.

My first project is due October 7th. Of which I've done very little work on.

I have a speech due on Thursday. It's a "prose" speech. It's basically a speech someone else made. I picked Daniel Webster's "I was born an American, I live an American, I shall die an American" Speech. Should be lots of fun. weeeeeee....

Anywho, I'm going to work on that speech and start one of my Ebay things tonight.

I hope everyone is doing well at home. I know a lot of you that are praying for me and I really need it and appreciate it very much. Please don't stop. If you do I may just stay here the rest of my life. Muahahahahah lol, just kidding... Or am I?

Have a good one everybody.

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